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The Story So Far... by Varda
Mar 29, 2022 5:59:15 GMT
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Kingdom of Magix

Elysian PalaceAmbrose DistrictNemean DistrictTarus District
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AlfeaCloud TowerRed FountainSpectre Peak
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Company of AetherHouse of TwilightGrimm Sect
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Gloomy ForestBlack Mud SwampEldamarUnderworld
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Into The Dimension

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Beyond the Dimension

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Fandom Chat!

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Leisure Room

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Varda Avatar
Character Playlist by Varda
Aug 3, 2016 0:23:24 GMT
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Varda Avatar
Winx O'Clock by Varda
Jul 14, 2016 22:19:33 GMT
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The Portal

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Varda Avatar
Forum Timeline by Varda
Jun 17, 2016 16:43:40 GMT

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Last post in ZapdosZulu: Heart Gold/Soul Silver Pokémon RP by Professor Oak
Jan 5, 2024 4:02:48 GMT
Welcome our newest member, riddick22!